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Experienced Attorneys Helping Clients Seek Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

Most people in Waukesha and Milwaukee counties envision working until they reach retirement age, then enjoying some well-deserved rest. Unfortunately, this simply is not possible for the large portion of workers who must leave the workforce early due to disability. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can provide a lifeline for individuals who find themselves unable to work due to long-term or permanent disability. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to apply for these benefits and even more difficult to get approved.

While working with an attorney is no guarantee of success, a lawyer can make the process significantly easier and ensure that there are no preventable delays or errors. In New Berlin and surrounding areas of Wisconsin, many individuals have turned to Law Offices of Benske, Gatzke, McFadden and Rose, for help seeking SSDI benefits. Our experienced attorneys provide knowledgeable guidance and representation, coupled with personalized attention.

Do You Qualify For SSDI Benefits?

Eligibility for SSDI benefits is based on your work/earnings history as well as the nature and extent of your specific disability.

Work history: The SSDI program is funded through payroll deductions (similar to Social Security retirement benefits). Therefore, in order to claim these benefits, you must have paid sufficiently into the Social Security system through previous employment. The Social Security Administration requires a certain number of “work credits,” some of which must have been earned recently.

Disabling conditions: In order to qualify, you must also have a verified medical condition or combination of conditions that meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability. Many conditions can qualify, but at the very least, your condition must be one that is expected to last at least one year or result in death and one that prevents you from performing any substantial gainful activity. Your disability does not need to be related to a workplace accident or injury.

If this sounds confusing, you are certainly not alone in feeling that way. The application process for SSDI can be complex and time-consuming, and the majority of applications are rejected the first time they are submitted.

The Benefits Of Working With A Knowledgeable SSDI Lawyer

You can certainly apply on your own, but many applicants have found that an attorney with experience in disability law can be invaluable. When you work with our firm, our attorneys will:

  • Help you gather all relevant medical records
  • Help you understand the nuances of the process and what additional information or documentation you might need to strengthen your case
  • Coordinate with you and your physician to create records and documents that make your diagnosis clear and unambiguous
  • Ensure that your application is thorough, meets all requirements, presents strong evidence and is submitted properly
  • Represent you at all levels of appeal if your initial application is denied

Putting together a strong SSDI application would be difficult, even if you were in excellent health. But if your disability prevents you from working, chances are good that it also limits your other daily activities.

At Law Offices of Benske, Gatzke, McFadden and Rose, we can handle most of this work on your behalf, leaving you free to focus on taking care of yourself and those you love. When we do need your help with certain aspects of the application, we can typically communicate with you over the phone or have you come to our conveniently located and welcoming office.

Speak To A Lawyer About Your Legal Options Today

From our office in New Berlin, our firm serves clients in Waukesha and Milwaukee counties. To discover how our compassionate and attentive SSDI attorneys can help you seek disability benefits, call us today at 262-214-0380 or reach out online.